Plot: The Sorcerers Clan, led by the centuries-old Org Ninja Dokusai, has made its move to retrieve the treasured map of Pako that has been in possession by the Yamaji family for generations. Tetsuzan Yamaji, the 34th grandmaster of the Togakure Ryu Ninpo, entrust his son and daughter, Toha and Mei, to protect the Pako from the forces of the Sorcerers Clan

Ninja Olympiad
First Episode Aired On:
Sunday, January 24 1988
37 years ago
Sunday, January 24 1988
37 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Sunday, January 22 1989
36 years ago
Sunday, January 22 1989
36 years ago
Number of seasons: 1 (50 episodes)