Poster of ...Remote..... Remote....

...Remote..... Remote....

Plot: With sometimes painful directness, Valie Export conducts a psychological investigation of the body in this film performance, externalizes an internal state. In front of a police photo showing two children who were sexually abused by their parents, she tortuously cuts into her cuticles until blood drips into a bowl of milk on her lap
Release Date: Friday, September 7 1973
50 years ago
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Portrait of Valie ExportValie Export
Valie Export was
33 in ...Remote..... Remote....
as ''.
Fri, May 17 1940


Portrait of Valie ExportValie Export
Valie Export was
33 in ...Remote..... Remote....
Fri, May 17 1940
Portrait of DidiDidi
Didi was
>> in ...Remote..... Remote....
Unknown Birthday