Plot: A wallflower at a 1940's swing dance supper party is determined not to be a wallflower anymore. As a silent-era film set at a swing dance, the film features dancing that hearkens back to classic movie musicals
Release Date:
Friday, February 1 2013 12 years ago
Tyler RabinowitzTyler Rabinowitz was 19 in The Swing of Things as 'Production Design, Editor, Director of Photography, Art Direction, Set Decoration, Sound Editor, Executive Producer, Property Master, Costumer, Writer, Director, Producer'
Birthday: Wed, Apr 28 1993
Isabela Dos SantosIsabela Dos Santos was >> in The Swing of Things as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lauren KravitzLauren Kravitz was >> in The Swing of Things as 'Choreographer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Adriana RiosAdriana Rios was >> in The Swing of Things as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Valeria RotellaValeria Rotella was >> in The Swing of Things as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ashley RobicheauxAshley Robicheaux was >> in The Swing of Things as 'Choreographer'