Poster of The Quota

The Quota

Plot: Lucy and Viv clean up messes for the county, and they're having a bad day. Viv's husband has just left her, and supervisor Lucy struggles to figure out how the two will make their numbers or lose their jobs
Release Date: Monday, October 20 2014
9 years ago
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Portrait of Susan RuttanSusan Ruttan
Susan Ruttan was
66 in The Quota
as 'Lucy'.
Thu, Sep 16 1948
Portrait of Jenica BergereJenica Bergere
Jenica Bergere was
40 in The Quota
as 'Viv'.
Thu, Jul 04 1974
Portrait of Dan KlassDan Klass
Dan Klass was
>> in The Quota
as 'The Omen'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of CushCush
Cush was
>> in The Quota
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday