Poster of Escape from Planet Tar

Escape from Planet Tar

Plot: On the 10th anniversary of the First Alien Attack, this scientific documentary tells the story of Campi - the man who locked himself in his basement after a heartbreak, and incidentally cracked the code of Alien language.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Luigi CampiLuigi Campi
Luigi Campi may be
>> in Escape from Planet Tar
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Luigi CampiLuigi Campi
Luigi Campi may be
>> in Escape from Planet Tar
as 'Director, Editor, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andy NguyenAndy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen may be
>> in Escape from Planet Tar
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ko-Rely PiKo-Rely Pi
Ko-Rely Pi may be
>> in Escape from Planet Tar
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday