Poster of Drowned


Plot: A struggling playwright meets an aspiring fashion student the day before he leaves Los Angeles to start a new life in New York. The two form an immediate connection and spend the day exploring downtown Los Angeles together, while wrestling with many of their deepest issues about trust, intimacy, and their place in the world
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Ellar ColtraneEllar Coltrane
Ellar Coltrane may be
30+ in Drowned
as 'Boy'.
Sat, Aug 27 1994
Portrait of Rasha MosaRasha Mosa
Rasha Mosa may be
>> in Drowned
as 'Girl'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Kevin FordKevin Ford
Kevin Ford may be
>> in Drowned
as 'Director, Writer, Editor, Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday