Poster of Children of the Lie

Children of the Lie

Plot: A week before her wedding, Agathe Plichard, a pretty young woman of mixed race, is found drowned in the Creuse river. The police treat the case as an accident but her fiancé, Félix Bricourt, is convinced she was murdered
Release Date: Sunday, April 15 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Sara MartinsSara Martins
Sara Martins was
40 in Children of the Lie
as 'Carole Levasseur'.
Fri, Aug 19 1977
Portrait of Théo FriletThéo Frilet
Théo Frilet was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Félix Bricourt'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Antoine DuléryAntoine Duléry
Antoine Duléry was
58 in Children of the Lie
as 'Antoine Bricourt'.
Sat, Nov 14 1959
Portrait of Florence PernelFlorence Pernel
Florence Pernel was
51 in Children of the Lie
as 'Catherine Bricourt'.
Thu, Jun 30 1966
Portrait of Philippe LaudenbachPhilippe Laudenbach
Philippe Laudenbach was
82 in Children of the Lie
as 'Georges Bricourt'.
Fri, Jan 31 1936
Portrait of Melodie Raymond DejoieMelodie Raymond Dejoie
Melodie Raymond Dejoie was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Agathe Plichart'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alban AumardAlban Aumard
Alban Aumard was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Olivuer Bottrie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robert RousselleRobert Rousselle
Robert Rousselle was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Le légiste'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christophe ChalufourChristophe Chalufour
Christophe Chalufour was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Benoit'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thierry ChenavaudThierry Chenavaud
Thierry Chenavaud was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Collaborateur n°2'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Laurent SpielvogelLaurent Spielvogel
Laurent Spielvogel was
62 in Children of the Lie
as 'Le Procureur'.
Tue, May 10 1955
Portrait of Martine DouteyMartine Doutey
Martine Doutey was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Anne Plichard'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michel OctobreMichel Octobre
Michel Octobre was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Louis Plichard'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Léa MiguelLéa Miguel
Léa Miguel was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Isabelle Moron'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dan HerzbergDan Herzberg
Dan Herzberg was
49 in Children of the Lie
as 'Karim Belkacem'.
Sun, May 12 1968
Portrait of Daisy MiotelloDaisy Miotello
Daisy Miotello was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Marguerite Saint Simon'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zoé NonnZoé Nonn
Zoé Nonn was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Anna'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elisa DelormeElisa Delorme
Elisa Delorme was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Technicien PTS'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Manu LayotteManu Layotte
Manu Layotte was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Homme DDASS'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elise HoteElise Hote
Elise Hote was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Femme au Selfie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isabelle TanakilIsabelle Tanakil
Isabelle Tanakil was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Marine'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacques DevelayJacques Develay
Jacques Develay was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Emile'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Antonin DufeutrelleAntonin Dufeutrelle
Antonin Dufeutrelle was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Pierre'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thierry DesrosesThierry Desroses
Thierry Desroses was
57 in Children of the Lie
as 'Jean-Baptiste Michaud'.
Fri, Aug 12 1960
Portrait of Marie-Philomène NgaMarie-Philomène Nga
Marie-Philomène Nga was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Honorine Mangin'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vincent GatinaudVincent Gatinaud
Vincent Gatinaud was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'L'homme baston'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marine GodonMarine Godon
Marine Godon was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Journaliste TV'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Martin TherainMartin Therain
Martin Therain was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Policier accablé'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Éric DuretÉric Duret
Éric Duret was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emmanuel PatronEmmanuel Patron
Emmanuel Patron was
55 in Children of the Lie
as 'Writer'
Wed, Aug 08 1962
Portrait of Armelle PatronArmelle Patron
Armelle Patron was
>> in Children of the Lie
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday