Poster of Mitt The Prince

Mitt The Prince

Plot: The film begins with Snub and Fat (yes, that IS the politically incorrect and cruel name given to Snub's partner in this and several other films made for the Weiss Brothers) want to make a few bucks. The film begins with them doing some maintenance sort of work--with Fat on a ladder and Snub sweeping outside
Release Date: Thursday, April 28 1927
96 years ago
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Portrait of Harry 'Snub' PollardHarry 'Snub' Pollard
Harry 'Snub' Pollard was
37 in Mitt The Prince
Fri, Nov 08 1889 –
Fri, Jan 19 1962


Portrait of James D. DavisJames D. Davis
James D. Davis was
>> in Mitt The Prince
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday