Poster of Citizen Jane Fonda

Citizen Jane Fonda

Plot: Very few Icons have at once embodied the Myths of their own country while revealing its contradictions: heiress of the Hollywood star system and muse of the French auteur Cinema, Academy Award winning actress and committed producer, feminist and aerobic queen, activist and fearless businesswoman… In a lifetime, Jane Fonda may have reconciled all the facets of America without renouncing her own integrity. Through her portrait, the film tells a social and political story while drawing the picture of a typically American phenomenon
Release Date: Sunday, August 30 2020
3 years ago
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Portrait of Jane FondaJane Fonda
Jane Fonda was
82 in Citizen Jane Fonda
as 'Self'.
Tue, Dec 21 1937


Portrait of Florence PlataretsFlorence Platarets
Florence Platarets was
>> in Citizen Jane Fonda
Unknown Birthday